Win at the Mental Game of Losing Weight
Win at the Mental Game of Weight Loss: Envision a fitter, healthier you; enjoying life, confident and happy. Banish negative thoughts that will only get in the way of what you really want! Kerri finds...
10 Tips For Choosing A Quality Weight Loss Program
It’s time again! January. The month we all realize that we overdid the eating and under exercised through the holidays. Even personal trainers like me, who should know better, struggle sometimes. October through December were...
Natural Weight Loss Through Healthy Eating
When it comes to weight loss, what and how you eat is the most important component. While most everyone is looking for a quick fix, lasting weight loss and maintenance is achieved through everyday healthy...
Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?
I see this all the time with my clients and with people I am close to in my personal life. I’ve even caught myself doing it. We talk negatively to ourselves. Take this situation for...
Diet is Important for Weight Loss
Obviously as a personal trainer I believe that regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body. However, if weight loss is your main goal, don’t think that just because...