Fitness – Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.
Exercise – Physical exertion of sufficient intensity, duration, and frequency to achieve or maintain fitness, or other health or athletic objectives
Benefits of Exercise:
- Weight loss
- Reduced stress
- Boost energy
- Improved mood
- Better quality of life
- Relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Better sleep
- Increase bone density
- Reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers
- Strengthened heart and lungs
- Heightened self confidence
The safest and most effective way to successfully change body composition is to combine sensible eating habits with a program of sound exercise, including both aerobic training and weight training. According to the International Sports Sciences Association, 25% of Americans are sedentary and we currently spend more than $600 billion annually for health care. That’s about $3000 per year for each individual in America. Exercise can play a key role in reducing your risk of medical problems and in decreasing your ultimate costs for health care. In a renowned study of 17,000 Harvard graduates, it was determined that “not exercising had the equivalent impact on you health as smoking one and a half packs of cigarettes per day.”
While many people equate exercising with looking good or losing weight, you may be surprised at the significant number of health-related conditions that can benefit from exercise including:
- Allergies
- Angina
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Bursitis
- Cancer
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cholesterol
- Constipation
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Glaucoma
- Headaches
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Insomnia
- Intermittent Claudication
- Knee Problems
- Lung Disease
- Memory Problems
- Menstrual Problems & PMS
- Osteoporosis
- Overweight Problems
- Tendonitis
- Varicose Veins