Now that the days are getting shorter and cooler weather is upon us, I’m finding it harder to stay active during this hectic time of year. It seems like the months of October thru December are so jam packed with activities and parties, that even if I did feel like working out, there just isn’t much time to get it done. Of course, the fact that I am a personal trainer and I HAVE to maintain some fitness to remain credible to my clients is a huge motivation for me. Even trainers can get stuck in a rutt and feel unmotivated at times. So, I compiled some ideas to help myself stay on track and maybe they will help you too.
1. Music: For me, music is the ultimate motivator. Even when I feel like a slug, listening to an upbeat song can make me want to get up and dance or maybe even go for a run. Tailor your music to the type of exercise you wish to do. Download dance music or hard rock to get you pumped up for cardio or a weight lifting session. Find melow music for yoga or slow pop for Pilates. I love Pandora Radio because it is free and if there is an artist you like, you can find more similar songs.
2. New work out clothes: This is a great excuse to go shopping. If you have a new work out outfit or running shoes, you will want to wear them. Buy bright, fun colors that will cheer you up while working out. Dress comfortably but also try to wear work out attire that fits your body well. You will feel more confident and want to keep working out longer if you know you look good.
3. Try a class: Is there an activity that you always wanted to try? Now is the time to start! It can be anything active such as kickboxing, Pilates, kayaking, or soccer. Go online and look up classes or trainers in your area. Most will let you try the first session with no commitment. Do give it more than one chance though. The first time I took a Pilates Reformer class I felt like a complete idiot. Everyone else knew what they were doing and I was the newbie. But it was totally worth sticking it out because now I love it! At a loss for what activity to try? Go back to your childhood. If there was a sport or activity you loved as a kid, you will probably still enjoy it now.
4. Make a date: Put your work out time on your calendar. Even if it is only 15-30 minutes 2-3 days per week, get it in! Make an appointment with yourself to take care of yourself. You’ll be amazed at how less stressed you’ll feel after a work out. Then you can take on those holiday parties and shopping with a cool head and a healthy body.
Last but not least, don’t put off exercising. Don’t wait to start on Monday. Go ahead and set that appointment with yourself today. After all, getting started is the hard part.

Signing up for a 5K can be great motivation to start a running program