As a personal trainer, many people think it must be easy for me to fit exercise in. I mean, I AM at the gym several hours a day right? Well, I must admit that even I, a self-professed exercise junkie, go through periods of time in my life when my own workouts get put on the back burner. It can be easy to put everything else before yourself…work, clients, family, friends, and even fun. While it is great to lead a balanced life, exercise and healthy eating should be a high priority. You are the only one who can take care of yourself and the body you have.
I know this. Yet, recently I have been in a slump. I guess it started about a month ago when I hurt my knees while training for a half marathon. Leading up to that I had been running on a schedule of 3-4 days per week. I figured that since I was using my legs so much running and horseback riding that I could let my strength and Pilate’s workouts slide. Although my muscle mass suffered, I really began to enjoy the runs mentally and physically. There really is such a thing as a “runner’s high” and I was loving it. Then, in the middle of an eleven mile run my knees just hurt to much to go on. I limped home and my half marathon training came to a screeching halt. For a few weeks I could barely walk and standing all day for work was miserable. Luckily, my clients were understanding and didn’t mind if I took some sit-down breaks. 😉
While I am feeling much better now, I still cannot run without pain. I believe this setback threw me into a bit of a depression. Exercise helps relieve depression, but that was the very thing that hurt me. Even weight training didn’t sound appealing to me anymore. The other day I tried on a running skort that I bought 6 weeks ago and it was too small. “Uh-oh! I can’t let this happen!” I thought. Finally I came to the realization that I need a taste of my own medicine. I need a fresh approach to working out and someone to keep me accountable. So I hired a trainer!
Today was my first workout with Lori Bernard at the Fit to You Studio. She is so understanding of what I am going through. Lori designed a tough workout for me with some new twists on old exercises and plenty of challenges. While it was clear that I have lost strength in several areas, I am proud to say that I still have a few strong suits. (Abs are still my favorite!) Hiring a trainer is just what I needed to give me a fresh start and a new attitude toward working out.

The Trainer Hires a Personal Trainer