Erica Stillman

After struggling with digestive, and acne issues my whole life I decided to get into healthcare. Years of working in Intensive Care at the hospital and in-home healthcare, I learned how much more nutrition, healthy habits, and therapy it takes to help the body collectively. That’s when I realized I wanted to help people with their quality of life in a different way than just common medicine. I wanted to merge Eastern and Western medicine into a total body healthcare system.

That’s when my passion for health and fitness really lifted off! I knew i’d be more resourceful in preventive care. I became a Certified Fitness Trainer, From (ISSA) International Sports Science Association.

I am always dedicated to helping others with a positive and upbeat manor.

I help ambitious women elevate their self confidence and grow into the highest versions of themselves.

I’ve created my step by step method to help women tone up, lose the stubborn weight,

eat healthily, body movement, and create life lasting results.




ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer